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We are a lively Anglican church for the whole village of Overton.
church is made up of people at all stages on the faith journey and all ages
and backgrounds.
There are good facilities for children and young people to enjoy their own activities. We make good use of our modern Church Rooms with midweek groups running for children and the local community.
Rev’d James Russell
Sunday 2nd March
In St Luke’s Hall from 3 - 4:30 pm.
Something for the whole family; crafts, challenges, games, all based around a theme and story from the Bible.
Come along!
For more information contact joyzoneoverton@gmail.com
A Village Recycling Facility
The recycling facility at St Mary's is located at the left hand side of the Church entrance.
The range of items that can be recycled is slightly different from before so please see the details here before bringing things to the Church. The collection point has clearly labeled bins for each type of recyclable item. Please do not leave any other items here.
Climate Care Awards
A new Eco Church survey was launched in the summer. Here are some inspiring stories from churches around the UK who have achieved Eco Church Awards.
Their current needs can be
on their website and donated items can be left at
Overton Co-op, St
Mary's Overton or St Mary the Virgin Laverstoke
Monetary donations are also welcome.
This week they are in need of the following:
Urgently Needed:
Peanut Butter. Tinned Tuna. Rice Pudding. Tinned Fruit. Shampoo. Laundry Pods. Nappies size 5 and 6.
They have plenty of Pasta.
St Mary the Virgin, Laverstoke
9:00 Matins
St Mary's Overton
10:30 am
Holy Communion
The February Test Magazine is available to subscribers and also on sale at the Overton Co-op.
Using the Parish Giving Scheme
Easy Fundraising.org.uk
You can help support the church when you shop on-line, by using the Easy
Fundraising website. It really is easy!
Read more